iGrad at Western Washington University

Welcome to iGrad!

iGrad is a powerful personal financial literacy tool now available to the WWU community!

We understand the importance of financial well-being in shaping a successful academic journey, and that's why we're thrilled to introduce this innovative resource.

Once you sign up, the learning materials become available, and remain available for your lifetime!

Why use iGrad?

Financial stress can impact academic performance, health, and overall student engagement. Recognizing this, we've integrated iGrad’s resources to empower you with the necessary tools for effective money management, career development, and student loan knowledge. 

About iGrad

The Merriman Financial Literacy Program is committed to fostering equitable, inclusive, and helpful financial education for our diverse community of students, alumni, staff, and faculty. In partnership with iGrad, we've created an engaging platform that aligns with our values of student success, critical thought, creativity, and sustainability.

Discover the iGrad Program

The iGrad platform is an award-winning online personal finance tool available for the entire Western community. Introduced through the support of the Merriman Financial Literacy Program, this portal is open to all associated with Western.

Key Features

Personalized Content: Receive resources relevant to your profile for a tailored learning experience. 

Interactive Learning: Engage in mini-courses designed to enhance your essential money skills. 

Daily Updates: Stay informed with daily articles, infographics, and videos featuring must-know money, career, and student loan tips. 

Getting Started is Easy and Free

Creating your profile is the first step toward a more secure financial future. Once registered, you'll gain access to a personalized dashboard tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're looking for video tips, quick financial lessons, calculators, games, personalized job searches, info. on student loans, scholarships, grants, and more, iGrad has you covered. 

How to Join WWU’s iGrad Platform

  1. Visit https://wwu.igrad.com/ 

  1. Locate and click the Sign Up button located at the top right of the screen. (For returning users, click the Log In button.) 

  1. Complete your registration and start the Financial Wellness Checkup. 

  1. After completion, content will be personalized to help you achieve your goals! 

iGrad Tutorials

Follow our Instagram @wwufinlit for tutorials on how to access and utilize iGrad's resources!